Congregational Church of Hollis
Community Highlights & Updates
Coffee with Ed will be available in Hardy Hall on Tuesday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m.
September 24th through October 29th.
Stop by and say hello!
Are you curious about how our boards and committees work or how you might fit in? Are you wondering what’s on the plate for the Council or what the By-Laws committee is doing? Do you have an opinion on your favorite sports team or an idea for improving our church? Tired of political ads? Ed Wigfield is offering, for a limited time, to provide a Moderator’s eye view of what’s going on in our church, listen to your opinions, help answer your questions, discuss your ideas, and all in a politics-free environment. Come and enjoy free coffee!
Scam Alert! - Several members of the congregation have reported receiving some form of communication (email or text) claiming to be from Reverend Tanya, asking them to purchase gift cards. Please be aware that these requests are phishing scams. Reverend Tanya will NEVER ask anyone to purchase gift cards or ask for money personally/individually in a private email or text message.
There will be a minor change to the Chimes Newsletter Release Schedule for the 2024-2025 Program Year: The Chimes Newsletter will be published monthly from September to November and from February to May. There will be a combined winter edition for December & January and a summer edition for June - August. Click HERE to access our Church Communications Cheat Sheet to learn more about submission guidelines for all our Church communications platforms.
Walk With Us!
Save the date and join our team at the Congregational Church of Hollis. The Greater Nashua CROP Hunger Walk is on Sunday, November 3rd, at 1 p.m. The walk starts at Temple Beth Abraham on 4 Raymond St in Nashua. Go to the link below to find our church’s team.